Membership Level Name Ideas for Content Creators: A Complete Guide

Many content creators are having difficulty naming their membership levels or subscription tiers.
The names of membership levels are frequently the first thing people will see when joining an online community. If you are in charge of a community, give your membership tiers descriptive names that connect to the services you provide. It will help you prompt them to sign up right away.
Coming up with names for your membership plans might be a challenging task. Do not fret. We are here to help you.
This article will delve into all the things you need to know about naming your membership levels and answer your questions in mind. The following topics will be discussed:
- What does membership level mean to content creators?
- Why do membership level names matter to content creators?
- 5 types of membership levels
- 3 tips for content creators when naming membership levels
- 3 Examples of creative membership level names
- And many more…
What does membership level mean to content creators?

Users can become "members" of your site or online community by creating an account and subscribing to your service or product. It is important to note that not all memberships are created equal.
Content, features, and one-on-one access may be available to different users depending on their subscription level. Simply put, membership level names are the titles given to the several "tiers" that serve as a means of distinguishing them.
You can utilize membership or subscription levels to define what your members get, how and when they get it, and what payment method they need to make.
You may aid your members in selecting the membership level that best suits their current needs by naming your various membership tiers appropriately. Your membership tiers can also be named to reflect the benefits of your membership and the desired outcomes of your content.
Why do membership level names matter to content creators?

For various reasons, the names of your membership levels are essential.
The first reason is to make things clear. People should be able to deduce what the product or service you offer is about just by looking at the name. Branding is the next reason. Many websites and online communities use membership level titles as a creative method to advertise themselves.
If you are a content creator, It is crucial to remember that membership tier names are crucial to your marketing campaign. If you want to optimize your earnings, you need to pay attention to the names of your subscription plans because they have the power to attract or re-advertise subscribers.
Pricing and value are equally important when persuading potential members to sign up. However, your membership level names play an essential function in signaling hierarchy and worth, so you must get them correctly.
5 Types of Membership Levels
Once you have decided what type of membership you are offering, it is time to consider the many alternatives for calling it. Your topic and target audience should inform the names you give to your membership levels.
Membership Level Names Determined by the Price

As a rule, membership levels and prices go hand in hand with subscription-based businesses. Many subscription businesses name their membership tiers according to their price or frequency of billing, which should come as no surprise for content creators like you.
There are two types of memberships available: monthly and yearly. These are short, sweet, and straight-to-the-point names. You may want to name your membership levels based on how much they cost (monthly, quarterly, or annually) if your site has only one access level.
Names of Membership Levels Based on Access to Content

Online membership and subscription services have a tendency to name their membership levels based on what they offer their users. Therefore this is the most commonly used method of naming your levels. The content-based naming scheme follows a simple Bronze – Silver – Gold structure.
Membership is divided into three categories: Free, Pro, and Elite. Member access varies depending on whatever plan the user chooses. Your membership levels should be named to convey the value of each level without diminishing the others. Your free resources are available to anyone who wants to get started. Pro members can upgrade to Elite if they are ready to go even further.
Your Membership Levels Should Be Named Based on User Access

The names of membership levels based on user access have more to do with who has access than what they have access to. For example, Spotify offers Individual, Family, and Student premium plans.
Only members who pay for them can access these subscription levels. How many people will be using Spotify? Or, are you and your family ready to listen to your favorite tunes without being interrupted by commercials? As a student, you will appreciate the Student membership level and the special savings that come with it.
Content creators who have subscription businesses may name their membership levels based on user access if it is intended to be utilized by a team or an organization.
Membership Levels Based on the Content Delivery Type

There are a lot of media corporations and news organizations that employ this framework. The Wall Street Journal, for example, has membership options for anyone who wants to receive digital and print + digital media products.
These tiers’ names are not particularly inventive, but they rapidly convey to customers how they may use each one to access information.
Membership Level Names Based On Supporters

Are you using the "patronage" model for your online memberships or subscriptions? How can you know if people are signing up for your newsletter because they enjoy your content and want to help you produce more?
Facebook Subscription Groups are based on this subscription concept. Your fans can donate at various levels of financial assistance to you and your activities.
For content creators with fan-based membership communities, supporter-based membership levels can be a terrific option. This is the case when the membership group is built around supporting a specific artist and offers various benefits depending on the degree of membership.
Many membership communities use this type of name, but you may also use it with your own self-hosted community.
3 Tips for Content Creators When Naming Membership Levels
Follow these tips for naming your membership levels:
Emphasize your content access

The "pay more, get more" concept is one of the most popular membership site models.
It is a popular model, where users may choose from various prices depending on their degree of support. The more a member pays to join a membership site, the more content they receive.
The "good, better, best" pricing strategy is another name for this method.
Your "good" price is the cheapest tier of your product. To make your product more accessible to a broader range of customers, you need to charge a basic price.
Better and best packages are also available. These are more expensive and may only be available to a smaller number of people, but they have a broader range of access to your content.
Use payment frequency

Subscription levels can be arranged and titled in a variety of ways. For a good reason: it makes it easy to use and provides various options to meet the demands of different members.
By giving a more affordable price, monthly pricing decreases entrance barriers. It is also a good choice for subscriptions that can show their worth right away, such as those with substantial material.
Meanwhile, the annual pricing is the best option for memberships that take time to pay off or see the outcomes.
Regardless of how frequently you charge your members, people join your membership community because they feel it will help them achieve their goals. This should be reflected in the names of the various membership levels available.
Align your membership level names to your members’ goals

Content creators need to reaffirm that joining your online community is a step in the right direction for your members. Your membership level names should highlight what your members hope to accomplish, People will be drawn to a membership level name if it demonstrates an understanding of the members’ needs.
3 Examples of Creative Membership Level Names
An excellent strategy is to name your membership tiers in accordance with the preferences of your intended audience. They will be more likely to join your community when they see it.
The top 3 brands that have creative membership level names are mentioned here. For inspiration or new ideas before making your own names, take a look at them.
The Hive in Cincinnati (Based on Billing Cycle)

The price or frequency of billing is often used to name membership levels in membership-based businesses. You can offer your brand or business a unique flavor to draw in potential customers. On their website, The Hive in Cincinnati employs the same strategy.
INDIVIDUAL, DUAL, and PAY IT FORWARD are available tiers of membership. These are short, sweet, and straight-to-the-point names.
A price-related membership level name like Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual may be appropriate if your membership site provides services or products for a specific period. It allows users to compare the costs of monthly versus annual subscriptions quickly.
Spotify (Based on User Type)

The largest music streaming service globally, Spotify has over 100 million users. Spotify has millions of songs, podcasts, and episodes. As of this writing, it has more than 381 million monthly active users and more than 172 million subscriptions.
Subscriptions are available in four different guises: Individual, Duo, Family, and Student. To better serve their customers, they organized each plan to target a single demographic or group of demographics. This naming pattern is common among music and movie streaming services.
You may also use this strategy if you sell both individual and group memberships. Thus, consumers can make an informed choice. For example, if you have programs for individuals and organizations, you may name them Personal, Team, and Enterprise.
Smithsonian (Based on Supporter)

All the Smithsonian institutions in the United States are part of the Smithsonian. An extensive library of research papers and other helpful materials will help you learn and enhance your skills in various subjects.
They have nine levels of supporter membership, namely, Associate, Champion, Promoter, Advocate, Contributor, Patron, Sponsor, Partner, and Benefactor. They have chosen basic names that nonetheless convey a sense of their motivations.
Supporter-based membership levels allow you to recognize and reward your members for their time and dedication to your website or community. Building a fan-based membership community is an excellent choice for content creators.
Pick the Right Platform for your Membership or Subscription Business
Backspace is a good place to start if you want to build your own membership or subscription businesses. Your membership businesses can have many subscription tiers if you use our platform.
It only takes a few simple steps to add your membership information, such as your name and the description of the plan you want to offer to your members. What is even more amazing is that Backspace offers amazing features for free and paid plans.
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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
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